Wouter Davids, known for his commanding presence in Razorblade, brings his brutal vocal style back to the forefront with Heathen Peace, a project that he formed alongside Freek from Live By The Sword (LBTS) on bass and Frank from God Dethroned on drums. For fans who missed the gritty edge of Davids’ vocals in LBTS tracks, “Civilisation Ends Here...” delivers in spades. This album is a razor-sharp fusion of Oi! and blackened death metal, offering both the hard-hitting style of Razorblade and the complex, brutal riffs of blackened metal.
The album opens with “Preludium,” an ominous instrumental that sets the tone, before launching into an all-out sonic assault with tracks like “Civilisation Ends Here…” and “Allegiance.” The former track harks back to Razorblade’s Oi! roots with a tale of Saxon resistance against the Franks and Romans, while the latter depicts a self-proclaimed king’s pride in his stolen wealth and fake gold. “Reborn in Power” and “Throne of Betrayal” further develop this historical theme, with Davids drawing on ancient conflicts and myths to fuel the album’s ferocity.
“Civilisation Ends Here...” blend of punk and blackened metal is enriched by anthems. The final track, “Saxon Wars,” slows the tempo with acoustic elements that capture a haunting tale of resurrected Saxon warriors rising from forests and rivers to battle crusaders with gods of war on their side. This closing track stands out as an album highlight, providing a powerful and atmospheric finale.
Musically, Heathen Peace is a brutal mash-up of its members’ past and current bands—fusing LBTS’s complex sound, God Dethroned’s ferocity, and Davids’ Razorblade-hardened vocal attack into something truly unique. The album’s eight tracks deliver an onslaught of intense riffs, earth-shaking drums, and aggressive themes that feel raw, primal, and captivating.
With “Civilisation Ends Here...”, Heathen Peace redefines the fusion of Oi! and blackened metal, giving fans of both genres a relentless experience. This is the sound of historical battles, pagan myths, and unbreakable resistance, creating a powerful start for Heathen Peace and an album that promises to be a force within the Dutch punk-metal scene.
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